Welcome to Do Not Disturb.

I started this publication sometime during the pandemic and then for two years got sucked into life. I have a better idea of what to write about now, but like all else, that's subject to change.

In the OG bio, I had described my words as"literature that soothes you through the night”. Or some such variant. This page carried a quote by Virginia Woolf wanting to write “something good: something rich, & deep, & fluent & hard as nails, while bright as diamonds.” Iterating this here is a reminder of what compelled this creation in the first place. But by changing that is to highlight my own growth in these years. I aim to free myself from the limitations of myself. To not confine myself to the bounds of lived experience, or get lost in the feel of feels.

A life well lived must not be one under the mind's microscope. Rather, I believe, I must allow myself a dip, then a soak, and finally a swim in the waters of living, something which is far from soothing. I hope my writing reflects this willingness to allow disturbances.

DND, the title, becomes an anamoly. But I shall keep it. I’ll explain it away somehow. :D

P.S. - All banners (rather pretty visuals) by Saloni

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casually having the last word


I'm girlwiththemane on IG.